I read the TikTok hyped ‘Ice Planet Barbarians’ by Ruby Dixon so you don’t have to

TikTok made me do it. If you haven’t seen a video about the Science Fiction Romance series ‘Ice Planet Barbarians’ by Ruby Dixon then we are obviously on very different sides of the app.

My FYP tends to be a little “interesting”. Currently there’s a strong sway towards Loki thirst edits, hot lesbians, and cats. Can’t complain.

And apparently ‘Ice Planet Barbarians’ was something TikTok thought I would be interested in. *pulls face* Well, it would be correct.

Here’s the synopsis:

You'd think being abducted by aliens would be the worst thing that could happen to me. And you'd be wrong. Because now, the aliens are having ship trouble, and they've left their cargo of human women - including me - on an ice planet.

And the only native inhabitant I've met? He's big, horned, blue, and really, really has a thing for me...

So just hold your horses. If at any point this blurb was a “no” for you then just don’t pick up this book, it ain’t worth it. You’ll only be disappointed.

If you’re DTF with these icy blue alpha hunter-gatherer males with a penchant for eating meow-meow and respectfully claiming you as their mate then there’s space for you on this bus.

Look, the covers are a little silly, but isn’t that part of the charm? And don’t climb aboard if you’re expecting a literary masterpiece. This isn’t Booker Prize stuff, my dudes, it’s straight up enter-taint-ment. I don’t use the phrase “guilty pleasure” anymore, but if you do, then this would probably fall into that category.

What this is is fun, addictive and sexy storytelling. The fact that it’s got an S.F. setting is downright thrilling for me. It’s actually pretty astute world building; there’s just enough to keep you grounded in the mechanics and lore without losing that intense slow-burn heat of romance and more… You know?

Honestly? The main character, Georgie, was a little annoying. She’s a bit too cool in this life-or-death scenario, and everything “sucks”. There’s a lot of “that sucks” and “this sucks”. And yeah, I sure hope it does (antique Vine reference) because you’ve crash landed on an alien planet, girly! And it’s arse numbingly cold.

ice planet barbarians.png

I could already see how this whole series was going to pan out and I feel like each book will be quite similar to the last, but you know what? I’m ok with that kind of dependability. Was it a bit silly? Oh, one hundred percent. Was it sexy? I mean, yeah. Would I read more in the series? You bet! Would I PAY for it? Emmm…

I got this through my Kindle Unlimited subscription, and I probably would have paid for book one if it wasn’t available on KU, but I’m not sure I would continue with it unless it was in a Daily Deal or something. But then again... I can’t really say because it is one of those books that I would pick up when my brain needed a literary detox and just have some fun. And mate, there are 20 books in this series, no less. (see the full list here)

Told in a dual POV as is classic for books in this wheelhouse, I liked the switch up between the two because they were coming from such obvious differences in perspective. There are no big shake-ups or dramas in the plot and things get tied up nicely (might as well put a pretty bow on it). I’m interested to see how the series develops.

It’s also opened my eyes to a new subset of a genre that I never knew existed! Watch this space for a list of “if you enjoyed ‘Ice Planet Barbarians…’

So, what I say to you is this: If you’ve been curious then just do it. It’s an easy read, and something very accessible for a story set in space (I’ve often found SF narratives get bogged down in the logistics of things and throw in complicated jargon… You do you, if that’s your thing, but me? I just want to be in space, man, and enjoy it).

Look, these fellas have ridges, and spurs. Do with that information what you will. Alien abduction has never been so sexy…

Written by Sarah


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